Senate Passes Boater Safety Bill

Hugh T. Farley

May 17, 2011

State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R, C, I - Schenectady) announced that he and his colleagues in the New York State Senate passed a bill on May 16th that requires all individuals, regardless of age, who have been found guilty of operating a boat after consuming alcohol to take a boating safety course before they can operate a boat again. With peak boating season soon approaching, bill S.2903B, helps prevent accidents stemming from individuals who are guilty of boating while intoxicated.

The state already requires those age 21 and older and who are convicted of boating while intoxicated to obtain a boating safety certificate before operating a vehicle. The bill passed today expands upon that law by requiring those under 21 and convicted of an alcohol-related boating offense to obtain a certificate as well. The bill has been sent to the Assembly.

In addition to the BWI bill acted upon today, the Senate passed S.4177 which strengthens penalties for those driving under the influence with a conditional license. It corrects a gap in the current law by allowing an individual driving with a conditional license stemming from an earlier DUI arrest and who is then charged with another DWI or DWAI offense to be charged with a class E felony. The bill has been sent to the Assembly.