On-line Petition Calls For Medicaid Reform

James L. Seward

December 5, 2011

ONEONTA, 12/04/11 – State Senator James L. Seward (R/C/I – Oneonta) today announced the launch of an on-line petition drive in support of Medicaid reform legislation that he is co-sponsoring.

“Overburdened taxpayers in upstate New York and across the state are desperate for relief,” said Senator Seward.  “The property tax cap was a great first step, but as I have said all along, it needs to be linked to mandate relief for local governments.

“Medicaid is the largest mandated budget item counties contend with and that is why I am co-sponsoring legislation that will remove the Medicaid burden from county government.”

Seward is co-sponsoring legislation (S.5889-B) that will reform the cost administration of New York State’s Medicaid system through a phased-in state takeover - gradually eliminating the local share traditionally paid by county governments and funded by property taxes.

The bill provides for an eight-year gradual state takeover of the local Medicaid costs.  The end result would eliminate Medicaid costs from county budgets, providing municipal governments with the flexibility to substantially reduce local property taxes.

“Over 100 state and local officials from around the state are backing this bipartisan reform.  I am now calling on residents to show their support by signing my on-line petition,” added Seward.

Past on-line petition drives have generated thousands of signatures and helped show support in favor of the property tax cap and against a plan to force motorists to purchase new license plates.

“Along with freeing up local resources, a  phased-in state takeover will also lead to improved fraud control and help streamline a program that costs New York over a billion dollars a week.

“Now is the time for the state to take this burden off of the shoulders of local taxpayers – sign my petition to show your support,” Seward concluded.

To sign the petition, CLICK HERE.
