Statement from Senators Jeff Klein, (D-Bronx-Westchester), Diane Savino, (D-Staten Island/ Brooklyn), David Valesky (D-Oneida), and David Carlucci (D-Rockland/ Orange), members of the Independent Democratic Conference:

Jeffrey D. Klein

February 1, 2011

 “The Independent Democratic Conference applauds Governor Cuomo for setting the right tone in his budget address. We approve of the Governor’s goal of moving this state to a zero-based, or reality-based, budget model, his continued efforts to right-size Albany and his vow to work with this state’s workforce to give New Yorkers the most efficient government possible.

Make no mistake about it, there are many painful decisions contained in this budget document. Given the fiscal realities facing this state, there is no avoiding it.

Since the IDC’s formation, we have been proposing our ideas on how to fix state government, help our residents, and put New York back on the right track.

We are carefully studying the Governor’s budget blueprint and will be making the appropriate recommendations in the coming days and weeks.”
