Senator Defrancisco and Colleagues Pass “Taxpayer Advocate Act"

John A. DeFrancisco

May 9, 2011

Senator John A. DeFrancisco (R-I-C, Syracuse) today sponsored a bill (S1072) that would create the Office of Taxpayer Advocate to assist taxpayers in their dealings with the New York State Department of Tax and Finance.

“This new entity would be independent of the Tax and Finance Department and would assist taxpayers in resolving their problems with the tax department, and would help to ensure a fair and consistent application of the tax law,” said Senator DeFrancisco.

The Taxpayer Advocate would also identify areas in which taxpayers have problems dealing with the tax department, propose solutions, including administrative changes to departmental practices and procedures, recommend legislative action, and promote communication.

Additionally, the Taxpayer Advocate would identify the fifteen most serious taxpayer problems each year in an annual report and describe actions taken and not taken on behalf of each taxpayer, and recommend administrative and legislative action to resolve taxpayer problems.

“The Taxpayer Advocate can review laws, rules and procedures from the point of view of the taxpayer and suggest changes based on their point of view and experiences,” said Senator DeFrancisco.

The bill was sent to the Assembly.