Senator Defrancisco Congratulates the Central New York Regional Economic Development Council for Submitting a Winning Proposal

John A. DeFrancisco

December 8, 2011

Senator John A. DeFrancisco (R-I-C, Syracuse) extends his congratulations to co-chairs Rob Simpson, Chancellor Nancy Cantor, and all members of the Central New York Regional Economic Development Council for submitting a winning proposal to the State of New York.

The Central New York council has been awarded $103.7 to invest in 74 projects, which will help to create jobs in Syracuse.
“Our community should be proud that Central New York was one of four regional councils selected to receive these competitive funds due to the hard work and the outstanding presentation done by our regional council last month,” said Senator DeFrancisco.

 “I look forward to seeing the impact that these grants have on the future of our community,” concluded Senator DeFrancisco.