Senator DeFrancisco Shares Legislative Survey Results
John A. DeFrancisco
April 4, 2011
- Budget
I recently sent out a survey asking constituents of my Senate District their opinions on important budget issues facing our state. Below, you will find a link to the results of this survey.
As you can see, my constituents overwhelmingly want state government to control its spending. I do too. During the budget hearings as Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, I aggressively advocated for this position.
I am pleased to tell you that the budget not only was on time but it calls for less spending than last year. This is the first time in more than 15 years that state spending will decrease.
Moreover, no new taxes were imposed, which is in stark contrast to the $14 billion in new taxes imposed by the former Senate Democrat Majority over the last two years.
Finally it is gratifying to see that the Senate Republican Majority and the Democrat Governor, Andrew Cuomo, worked in a bipartisan way to break the cycle of excessive state spending, and overtaxing hard working New Yorkers.
There is still a lot of work to be done, but I believe New York State government is now heading in a new, positive direction.
Click below to access my legislative survey results.