Bonacic to Introduce Legislation Requiring Phone Companies to Disclose Service Information to the Public

John J. Bonacic

September 15, 2011

State Senator John J. Bonacic (R/C/I – Mt. Hope), today stated that he will introduce legislation requiring phone companies regulated by the State Public Service Commission (PSC) to disclose information to the public.  

In the aftermath of Irene; Verizon refuses to say how many customers are without phone service, where service is out or when restoration is expected. Under current law, the State Public Service Commission says phone companies do not have to provide this information. 

“There is a situation right now, where people’s lives and livelihoods have been turned upside down because of the hurricane and they’re trying to clean up and rebuild,” said Senator Bonacic. “The fact that these companies aren’t sharing this information is outrageous and inconsiderate. You hate to resolve arrogance and stupidity with legislation, but sometimes it is necessary.” 

The new legislation Bonacic is proposing will require all phone companies, that are regulated by the PSC, to disclose service outages, as soon as they are identified, by both volume and geographic location. Additionally, they will be required to disclose anticipated restoration dates." 

“We know Verizon’s workers don’t feel they are treated well by company management, and now we see a lot of Verizon customers not being treated well by company management,” concluded Bonacic. 
