Statement by Senator Bonacic on Governor Cuomo's State of the State Message

John J. Bonacic

January 5, 2011

January 5, 2011:  “Governor Cuomo has the support of the people of New York and a mandate for change.  The past two years of State government have increased spending by over $14 billion and increased taxes by over $10 billion – all of which I voted against.”

 “The Governor’s message that we cannot tax our way into prosperity and we must enable the private sector to be competitive again are messages I strongly agree with.  I know this year will be one of complaining by the special interests.  In better times, New York could afford the spending that those special interests want.  However, now, the focus must be on continuing an economic recovery.  The path to economic recovery, is a vibrant private sector.  A stronger private sector comes by ending the crushing burden of overregulation and taxes that New York’s small business community faces.”

 “In addition, the Governor’s focus on property tax reform is also well received.  Since 2006, the Senate, under both Republican and Democratic leadership has passed various forms of property tax reform.  Assembly Democrats can no longer say “no” to property tax reform.  Their hiding behind Sheldon Silver for their failures is not acceptable – they are the ones who make Sheldon Silver the Speaker.”

 “I also appreciate and agree with the Governor’s message on ethics reform.  Challenging those in charge to change for the better is difficult, but necessary.  I look forward to partnering with Governor Cuomo to introduce and pass the legislation needed to change the culture of corruption New York has become infamous for.  Passing legislation, however, will require not just the Senate and Governor, but also the Assembly.”

 “2011 will be a year of tremendous financial challenge.  Andrew Cuomo was elected with a mandate for change.  I join him in wanting the overwhelming number of changes he is seeking, and look forward to working with him to accomplish our goals.”
