Senator Flanagan Named To Key Committee Positions
John J. Flanagan
January 28, 2011
- Legislature
Senator John Flanagan (2nd Senate District), who was recently named the Chairman of the Senate Standing Committee on Education, has announced that he has also been named as a member of three powerful Senate committees that will have a major impact on the future of New York State and Long Island: Senate Finance Committee, Senate Codes Committee and the Senate Veterans, Homeland Security and Military Affairs Committee.
As a majority member of the Finance Committee, which will have the important role of reviewing Governor Andrew Cuomo’s upcoming budget proposal, Senator Flanagan will have a strong voice in fighting for the priorities of the residents of New York State. Considered by many as an expert in the area of state finance, Senator Flanagan’s appointment to the committee that examines the appropriations and disbursements for each agency covered in the budget will give him the ability to help shape the direction of New York State in this critical time of economic recovery.
“I support many of the ideas that Governor Cuomo has presented and look forward to working with him to bring some relief and hope to the residents of our state and our region. We truly have a great opportunity to alter how our state operates and one of the biggest hurdles in that effort is making needed changes to our state budget,” stated Senator Flanagan. “But we must make sure that any cuts that are needed must be fairly administered and that all corners of our state are represented in this budget process. Then we will have the budget we all need and all our taxpayers deserve.”
In addition to budget overview, the Senate Finance Committee is responsible for reviewing bills or resolutions that provide for an appropriation. The committee members are also responsible for reviewing the qualifications of Governor Cuomo’s nominees before the entire Senate votes including such positions as MTA Chairman and various commissioners of statewide departments.
In his new role on the Senate Codes Committee, Senator Flanagan will work with his colleagues on both sides of the aisle to oversee legislation that deals with criminal justice policy affecting New York State. They will review legislation that deals with the criminal laws of the state to make sure that the laws of the state are as effective as possible in protecting all residents.
And as a member of the important Senate Veterans, Homeland Security and Military Affairs Committee, he will bring the voice of Long Island’s veterans to this powerful committee: “While there are many important issues facing our state, the veterans are the ones who have answered the call every time and we need to make sure our state answers their needs. The fact that we are fortunate to have so many veterans call Long Island home makes it essential that they have a voice on this important committee and I will be proud to serve as their conduit in the Senate.”
"Recognizing that Nassau and Suffolk Counties rank number one and number two with the most veterans in New York State, Senator Flanagan's appointment to the Senate Veterans Committee is extremely important to the 250,000 veterans residing on Long Island. Senator Flanagan has always put our veterans first. He understands the role of State government and never forgets about the brave men and women whose sacrifices have protected the freedoms we all enjoy today. As a country that is engaged in war, being there for our veterans and their families is an essential mission of our legislative leaders. That being said, Senator Flanagan's past record with veteran's issues makes him a true advocate and friend to the veteran community,” said Fred Sganga, Executive Director of the Long Island State Veterans Home at Stony Brook University. “The Long Island State Veterans Home is fortunate to be in his Senatorial District and we are thrilled that he is representing us in Albany."
In addition to these committee assignments, which were announced recently by Senate Republican Leader Dean Skelos, Senator Flanagan was also assigned to the Committees on Corporations, Authorities and Commissions; Higher Education; and Insurance.