Senator Flanagan Participates In Commack School Reading Program
John J. Flanagan
November 18, 2011
- Education
Senator John Flanagan (2nd Senate District) recently participated in the Parents as Reading Partners (PARP) program at North Ridge Primary School to read to the children. Reading “Duck for President” by Doreen Cronin to Mrs. Rosanne Wilson’s ABA class, Mrs. Cyndi Nichols’ Kindergarten class, and Mrs. Jen Ryan’s 2nd grade class, Senator Flanagan joined parents and other community members in bringing the joy of reading to the students of the Commack school.
The story taught the three classes about how through hard work and dedication, anything is possible and anyone can become involved in government. After reading the book, Senator Flanagan discussed his role in the New York State Senate and spoke to them about how parts of the story related to his own family life. The students then shared their own thoughts about the book with Senator Flanagan and asked him questions about his job.
“We were very excited to have Senator Flanagan read to us, and to explain the important concept of voting in an election,” agreed teachers Cyndi Nichols, Rosanne Wilson, and Jen Ryan.
"The Parents as Reading Partners program is an extraordinary program that helps children learn to love reading and I thank the school for inviting me this year. As a parent of three, I know how crucial my children’s teachers were in instilling in them a real sense of the importance and enjoyment of reading and hopefully this event does the same for the students at North Ridge Primary School. The entire school should be proud of this effort and I look forward to coming back again next year,” stated Senator Flanagan.