Average Life Expectancy in New York at a Record High!

José M. Serrano

December 26, 2011

(Bronx, NY)- Senator José M. Serrano joined Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg today for a press conference at Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center in the Bronx to announce that New Yorkers are now living longer and are healthier. It was reported that New Yorkers born in 2009 could live to 80.6 years, a record high and increase of almost three years since 2000. The average New Yorker's life expectancy is also higher than the national average of 78.2 years.

The figures have been attributed to reductions in seven major health problems listed by Mayor Bloomberg: HIV disease, heart disease, cancer, drug-related deaths, accidents, homicides, and deaths in infancy, according to City Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Farley. New York City HIV prevention programs and AIDS treatment programs have increased the life expectancy of New Yorkers since 2002.   

"I am very pleased to learn that New Yorkers, despite living in one of the busiest cities in the world, are now living longer than ever," said Senator Serrano. "New Yorkers are taking better care of themselves, and I would like to thank Mayor Bloomberg for launching aggressive campaigns to target important health issues, such as obesity, smoking, and HIV. These campaigns have improved our quality of life, and it is important that we remain proactive in keeping our city healthy and continuing to improve quality of life for our residents."