Senator Serrano Joins Collegues and Former Mayor Ed Koch to Advocate for Redistricting Reform

José M. Serrano

March 1, 2011

Senator  José M. Serrano joined former New York City Mayor Ed Koch and his fellow Senate Democratic Heroes of Reform to support and advocate for the immediate passage of Governor Cuomo’s non-partisan redistricting legislation.

Governor Cuomo introduced the Redistricting Reform Act of 2011 on Friday, February 18th. The legislation (S.3419) would put an independent redistricting plan in place before legislative lines are redrawn ahead of the 2012 elections.

"Governor Cuomo has kept his promise by introducing comprehensive redistricting reform, and lawmakers must now follow through and pass the New York Uprising pledge— which 54 Senators signed,” said Senator Serrano. “We promised to conduct ethics reform in a fair and bipartisan manner, and the time has come to keep that promise. Government officials are voted into office to protect the public interest— not partisan political agendas— and independent redistricting will build a more accountable government that accurately represents the people of New York.

Governor Cuomo’s plan would establish an Independent Redistricting Commission, chosen by the legislative leaders from a bi-partisan pool of qualified candidates that reflects the diversity of the state. The current process for drawing district lines in New York State has
been criticized as lacking independence from the Legislature, protecting incumbent office-holders, and serving partisan interests.