Serrano Ranked One of the Most Environmentally Friendly State Members

José M. Serrano

October 14, 2011

(Albany, NY) State Senator José M. Serrano (D-Manhattan/Bronx) was the ranked one of the most environmentally conscious members of the New York State Senate in 2011.  The EPL/Environmental Advocates scorecard, which tracks legislators' votes on bills affecting New York's environment, gave Senator Serrano a score of 99, tying him for the highest score among his Senate Colleagues. State Senators Thomas Duane, Bill Perkins, Gustavo Rivera also received a score of 99. The final 2011 scorecard issued by the EPL/Environmental Advocates follows their preliminary scorecard issued in June, which, similarly, ranked Senator Serrano tops among his peers.

"I'm fortunate to have the opportunity to have a lasting impact on New York's environmental decisions, and I thank EPL/Environmental Advocates for shedding light on the outcome of the legislature's decisions ," said Senator Serrano, who has been a longtime advocate for environmental issues in Albany.

The highest score issued in the Senate was 99 and the lowest was 50. The Rankings were based on legislators' support for bills that would preserve and improve New York's environment, and their opposition to legislation with potentially harmful consequences.

"Due to various environmental factors, the district I represent, has some of the highest asthma rates in the country," concluded the Senator. "My community deserves better and I stand committed to advancing environmentally friendly legislation that would improve quality of life for my community and New Yorkers throughout the state."