Bills Co-Sponsored by Addabbo to Aid Military, Libraries and New Homeowners Signed Into Law by Governor Cuomo
Queens, NY, September 27, 2011 – NYS Senator Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr. (D-Queens) announced the passage of four key pieces of legislation co-sponsored and advocated by him in the State Senate. Among the 93 bills signed into law by Governor Andrew Cuomo on Friday, September 23rd, the Legislature reconfirmed their commitment to help the prosperity of the State and will of the public, including:
· (S.3901) Regulating protests at funerals of deceased military members;
· (S.3988) Requiring coverage of orally administered chemotherapy treatments;
· (S.4101) Increasing State aid of library projects constructed in economically disadvantaged communities;
Senator Addabbo stressed the importance of the four aforementioned bills, citing utmost respect for military families, individuals combating chemotherapy treatments, and promoting the importance of libraries. “These bills address issues that impact the everyday lives of all New Yorkers. Their passage demonstrates a commitment by the State to alleviate hardships citizens endure financially, mentally or socially,” stated Addabbo.
Among the cosponsored bills, provisions in State law now include the creation of a permit system for demonstrations occurring in the vicinity of a wake, funeral, burial or memorial service (S.3901); a 100% coverage of oral chemotherapy treatment by insurance companies (S.3988); utilization of New York State’s construction grant program to more public libraries (S.4101); and exclusion of private transfer fees on the contract of a new home (S.5203).
Although Albany is not in session for the rest of this year unless the Senate President, Speaker of the Assembly or Governor Cuomo calls in the Legislature for a special session, bills that had passed both houses of the Legislature will be acted upon by the Governor before the end of the year. Senator Addabbo insisted the people’s work is never compromised, even when session is at recess. “I plan to continue to monitor outstanding issues of importance to the public and advocate for them with our leaders in Albany,” stated Addabbo. The Senator expressed his disappointment with the Governor’s veto of the OTB retirees bill (S4489) and vowed to continue to work on the bill until it is signed into law. “The State owes this bill to the retirees and I am prepared to explore additional budget cuts or revenues in order to pay for it,” Addabbo concluded.
Visit the Senator online at: http://addabbo.nysenate.gov.