Senator Addabbo Co-Sponsors Another Senior Sunset Series WITH Brady & Marshak: “Health Care Proxy for All”
Queens, NY, October 3, 2011 – On Tuesday, October 11, NYS Senator Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr., is co-sponsoring a repeat of the Senior Sunset Seminar series that begins with a health care proxy/elder law seminar at Sugar Bun Bakery, 156-22 Crossbay Boulevard, Howard Beach, with Linda Marshak, elder law attorney and partner at Brady & Marshak. The event starts at 6 PM. Light refreshments will be served. Seating will be limited—call the law firm to reserve your seat now at 718-738-8500, or call Kristi in Senator Addabbo’s office at 718-738-1111.
It is important for every older adult, regardless of health status, to have a representative appointed by them who can make health care decisions if they are temporarily or permanently unable to make decisions. The best way to ensure that your wishes regarding health care are carried out is to choose a health care representative, or “proxy” and make your wishes known to that person regarding your medical treatment wishes, and once that person has agreed to carry out your wishes, complete the legal form naming them as your agent. Your health care agent will be your voice, and their instructions regarding your care must be followed (only when you cannot speak for yourself). Without such a completed health care proxy form, your wishes may not be known, and you may or may not receive the care as you would have preferred.
There are many people in New York who have not completed a health care proxy document. According to Senator Addabbo, “The NYS Senate considers this issue to be so important, that it passed a recent bill for the DMV to begin, no later than 2013, to send health care proxy forms with driver’s license and registration renewal. This will take a period of years to reach seniors, who may or may not complete the forms, or may complete theirs incorrectly.”
Brady & Marshak partner Linda Marshak explains: “My partner and I appreciate Senator Addabbo’s invitation to speak to the seniors in our community. We at Brady & Marshak, LLP, work to protect our clients’ peace of mind, so that their health care wishes and choices are carried out by a loved one even when they cannot speak for themselves. We believe every adult should have a health care proxy in place and we would like to make it our goal as elder law attorneys in the area, to promote and facilitate completion of health care proxy documents for the clientele we serve by holding these events as a public service.”
Brady & Marshak will continue this elder law sunset lecture series this fall, covering the topics, “Who’s Your Power of Attorney?” and “Who’s Your Trustee?” For more information, call the Senator’s Howard Beach district office. Senator Addabbo’s Director of Special Events, Peter DeLucia, also notes that he arranged for more nutrition/elder law lectures with legal and health care professionals in October. On Thursday, October 20 at 10:45 AM, Brady & Marshak’s next Nutrition lecture in collaboration with Ageless Home Health Care of Brooklyn will take place at the Ridgewood Older Adult Center, 59-14 70th Avenue, Ridgewood.
For more information about elder law, contact Brady & Marshak at 156-36 Crossbay Boulevard, Howard Beach; 718-738-8500.
About Brady & Marshak
Brady & Marshak, LLP, Attorneys at Law, was established by Nancy J. Brady and Linda Faith Marshak, attorneys with experience primarily in the areas of Estate Planning and Elder Law. The firm has offices in Nassau and at 156-36 Crossbay Boulevard, Howard Beach. However, Ms. Brady and Ms. Marshak serve clients in all five boroughs as well as Nassau and Suffolk. Client legal needs are typically established through an initial interview and consultation with either one or both of the attorneys. These consultations may take place in the attorneys' offices, the client's home, or if necessary at client's hospital, nursing home or assisted living facility. During the initial meeting the attorneys routinely review with the client any legal documents previously executed, as well as financial and health concerns. After establishing the client's wishes, the attorneys work closely with the client to develop a plan to effectuate the client's wishes and ensure that all necessary documents are in place to carry out the client's ultimate goals. The attorneys present educational seminars on a regular basis, and maintain relationships with financial, accounting and other legal professionals to ensure virtually all of the clients' needs are met. Call 718-738-8500 with any questions you may have.
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