Griffo Holds Virtual Town Hall to Connect with District Residents

Joseph A. Griffo

September 22, 2011

Griffo holds virtual town hall to connect with 47th District residents

(Utica) - Senator Joseph A. Griffo (R-C-IP, Rome) today announced that he will be conducting a Virtual Town Hall on Tuesday, September 27th at 7:00 p.m. To watch, residents can log on to at the start of the event. A brief ad will play and at 7:00 p.m. the feed will go live. To participate, residents can fill out a simple registration form in the chatroom to the side of the live video and post comments and questions for Senator Griffo. Residents can watch and participate at any time throughout the duration of the Town Hall.

“One of the most important obligations in this time of critical decision-making about the future of our state is to communicate openly and thoroughly with the people of my district, whether to keep them informed, to listen to their insight or to gain their perspective,” Griffo said. “Technology is an important tool that can connect us even when we are separated by distance, and I am working to use all of the technology at my disposal to hear what the people have on their minds and also to report to them about what I have been doing in the Senate to help reduce taxation and develop the right climate for economic development.”

Griffo has held prior districtwide meetings through various forms of technology and looked forward to the event as another way to interact with his constituency. “I’d like to think that I’ve made it a hallmark of my tenure in public service to use any number of means and methods to get public input.  The 47th District covers a lot of ground in Oneida, Lewis and St. Lawrence counties,”Griffo said. “This way, I can communicate with the people of the district easily and directly. I think it is important for them to be able to hear the details of what’s going on, what I’m proposing, and how I look forward to reforming our process as well as reforming spending.”

Griffo encouraged residents to join him in using the technology. “There are methods for feedback and a mechanism for questions. This is a chance to participate in democracy over and above a trip to the polls. I enjoy these sessions because I get the opportunity to be direct and open with each person.”
