Senator LaValle's Priorities for the New Legislative Session.

Kenneth P. LaValle

January 6, 2011

New York State Senator Kenneth P. LaValle (R, C, IP–Port Jefferson) today said the messages he heard from constituents and initiatives he campaigned on will form the basis of his legislative agenda for the next two years.   

“I fully support the Governor’s property tax cap proposal,” LaValle said. “A two percent cap or cap tied to the rate of inflation is a number one priority.” LaValle has been a staunch proponent of a property tax cap for the past several years and said Senate Republicans first passed a property tax cap in 2008 and continued to advocate for a cap in order to provide relief to Long Islanders who are overburdened by high property taxes. 

LaValle said his priorities include:

  • a state spending cap and no new taxes
  • property tax relief and a resumption of STAR rebate checks
  • repeal the job killing MTA payroll tax
  • incentives for jobs creation
  • education and higher education
  • health care
  • environment

“As we restructure government we must ensure that property owners receive a benefit through a STAR rebate check or other program that limits taxpayer’s property tax exposure to a percentage of income,” LaValle said.

“The first order of business will be dealing with the State’s nearly $10 billion deficit,”  LaValle added. “We must reduce spending. I will provide details, in the near future, about a number of forums that will allow input about the best ways to meet spending demands while continuing to provide much needed services.”     
