Sen. Grisanti has Five Bills signed into law.

Mark Grisanti

August 5, 2011

Gov. Cuomo Has Now Signed 15 Bills into law, Sponsored by Grisanti.

Five more bills were signed into law by Governor Cuomo this week sponsored by Senator Mark Grisanti. “ I am honored as a freshman Senator to now have 15 bills signed into law that I have sponsored,” said Sen. Grisanti.

The New Laws Include:

S. 1831B: An act to amend the education law, in relation to licensing the practice of polysomnographic technology. To ensure that persons suffering from sleep disorders are diagnosed and treated only by competent and qualified polysomnographic technology professionals who are registered with the State Education Department. It is estimated that between 40 and 70 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders and an additional 20 to 30 million people have intermittent sleep-related problems. The human and economic costs resulting from sleep deprivation and sleep disorders are staggering with sleep disorders having repeatedly been found to greatly heighten the risk of many serious illnesses including colon cancer, breast cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and obesity. Additionally, there are thousands of deaths and injuries attributable to sleep-related vehicular accidents each year, which account for approximately twenty percent of all vehicular accidents. The economic cost of sleep-related disorders is estimated to be up to $150 billion annually in employment absenteeism and lost productivity with an additional $50 billion to $100 billion in indirect costs related to accident litigation, destruction of property, medical care, and death. There are over eighty different classified sleep disorders including chronic insomnia, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, narcolepsy, and parasomnias. In addition to the millions of Americans known to suffer from sleep disorders, ninety-five percent of all persons with sleep disorders remain undiagnosed because many health care providers are neither adequately trained nor informed to diagnose and treat sleep disorders.

S 4323: An act to amend the environmental conservation law, in relation to authorizing the sale of metal beverage containers with caps that do not decompose. In recent years a number of bottlers have designed and marketed beverages in metal bottles that more closely resemble traditional glass bottles rather than cans and have a twist cap identical to the cap placed on a glass bottle. These have proven to be both environmentally and business friendly for at least four reasons-they weigh less than glass containers and therefore cost less to transport, the metal container has greater markets for recycling than do glass containers, they cost less to refrigerate thereby saving energy and by being virtually unbreakable, the risk of injury to humans or animals is greatly diminished.

S 4056: An act to amend the environmental conservation law, in relation to the powers and duties of commissioner of environmental conservation or secretary of state and to increase awareness of expenditures from the Environmental Protection Fund (EPF). This legislation would require the inclusion of contract provisions to maximize awareness that the EPF is a source of funding; however, it would not require the expenditure of any additional funds. Since its inception in 1993, the EPF has provided more than $1 billion for environmental projects. These funds support local programs that protect an area’s natural heritage, public health, and industries such as tourism and agriculture. The funding has helped to provide for important environmental projects in communities throughout the State. Despite the many successes achieved by the EPF in areas ranging from open space acquisition, water quality improvements, maintaining parks, historic structures and recycling, many people remain unaware of the impact the EPF has had in their neighborhoods. This legislation is intended to increase awareness of the importance of the EPF and would require contracts to include provisions to maximize awareness that funding is from the EPF; however, this legislation would not require the expenditure of any additional expenditures. There is precedent for the inclusion of similar contract provisions – the New York State Council on the Arts contracts require “an acknowledgment of NYSCA support to be conspicuously displayed in any communication to the public.”

S 2877: An  act  to amend the environmental conservation law, in relation to the number of reverse vending machines required for mandatory acceptance  of empty beverage containers. This  bill  would  revise  the number of reverse vending machines (RVMs)that are  required  of  certain  businesses  to  redeem  empty  beverage containers, based on the square footage of the store.

Businesses with at least 60,000 but less than 85,000  square feet  would  be  required  to install three instead of four RVMs. Businesses with at least 85,000 square feet would  be  required  to  install four instead of eight RVMs.

The 2009 amendments to the Returnable container Act recognize the important role RVMs play in implementation of the statute. Initial experience with the RVM requirements, however, indicates that some modification  of them would be wise and cost effective.

“ My work is still not done in Albany, I had a very busy first legislative session and I plan to have an even busier second session starting January 2012, My staff and I are currently working on our legislative agenda, which includes job creation initiatives, tax credits to small business owners, education reform, and legislation to help the environment,” said Sen. Grisanti.
