Senator Grisanti Launches Online Petition in Support of Restoring Bus Services to Constituents

Mark Grisanti

December 23, 2011

“Let’s show the rest of the state how loud Western New York’s Voice is”

Senator Grisanti is the first state Senator to take a a stand against cuts to the NFTA. Senator Grisanti is also the first lawmaker to launch an online petition in support of the NFTA. The Senator is hoping all of Western New York signs the petition to show other lawmakers in Albany how important the NFTA is in our daily lives.

“If we want to be open for business in New York, then we should not be cutting vital services that bring people to these businesses for work or for stimulating the economy.  Western New York has a loud voice and by signing our online petition we can show the Governor and other lawmakers in Albany how important it is to not cut our bus services,” said Senator Grisanti.

In 2009, the state approved a $2.26-billion rescue plan, for the MTA. The NFTA’s request for $10 million in deficit reduction assistance and eight additional megawatts of low cost NYPA power is reasonable and equitable in comparison. The NFTA currently receives only one megawatt of low cost power while the MTA receives 98% of its power from NYPA.

“Let’s stand together and get our fair share back to Western New York and restore our bus services and police officers.  My constituents are not happy about these cuts and we can not afford

Yesterday Senator Grisanti sent a letter to Governor Cuomo urging him to restore funding to the NFTA
The petition can be viewed and signed here here.