Statement on Niagara County Legislator Renae Kimble Not Seeking Re-Election

Mark Grisanti

March 7, 2011

New York State Senator Mark Grisanti (60th District) issued a statement today  in response to today’s announcement by Niagara County Legislator Renae Kimble, D-2nd Legislative District, that she would not seek re-election and retire at the end of her current term:

“I wish Renae the very best in her future endeavors. She is a well-respected leader in Niagara Falls who has always put the best interest of her community first.  I hope that the Niagara County Redistricting Commission will protect representation for the African-American community in Niagara Falls, as the commission outlines the new legislative districts in Niagara County. “

-Senator Mark J. Grisanti