Statement By Senator Grisanti Regarding his “Yes” Vote for Same Sex Marriage

Mark Grisanti

June 24, 2011

“Tonight, I joined my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to legalize same sex marriage in New York State.  Since I began my term as Senator I have met with many people on both sides of this issue, read numerous documents and independent studies.  Given the high stakes, I felt I owed it to everyone to make a well-informed decision.  I have come to believe that all New Yorkers should be entitled to the same 1324 rights that come with a civil marriage.  As an attorney I analyzed the legislation and concluded that the amendments provide critical exemptions for religious institutions.  Passage of this bill now rather than later ensures that these protections be included.  I cannot deny anyone in my district and across New York the same rights I have with my wife.”

- State Senator Mark Grisanti, 60th District