2pm Conference Call with Con Edison
Martin J. Golden
August 28, 2011
Just finished conference call - some points from the call are that there
are 13,683 without power in Brooklyn
-Con Edison is moving into the restoration phase at this point and will be
accessing damage and dispatching crews over the next few hours -
- locations in Marine Park without power and without traffic lights, as
well as tree down on car on East 36th Street have been reported (some
already were by our office)
-They are coordinating with Parks and Con Edison regarding trees
-200 tree crews on stand by to clear lines and open roadways
-continue to prioritize based on how many people would get power restored -
obviously the more go first
- one million and a half people without power in Metropolitan region so
will not be seeing assistance from other local utilities as they are
experiencing same circumstances
- would like to continue to stress to constituents that if they see lines
down, do not touch them - one fatality in Rockland County
- also once it becomes dark they will only work to a certain degree
-they have crews from as far away as Texas here to help
- next call tomorrow at 10:00 am. Will forward any additional information I
may get