Senator Golden Statement on Confirmation of Brooklyn’s Ken Adams to Lead the Empire State Development Corporation

Martin J. Golden

April 6, 2011

Brooklyn – State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, Brooklyn) today issued the following statement following his vote in the New York State Senate yesterday to confirm Kenneth Adams as President and CEO of the Empire State Development Corporation:

“I am proud to have cast my vote to support the confirmation of Brooklyn’s Kenneth Adams as President and CEO of the Empire State Development Corporation. I have full confidence in Ken’s abilities to lead this State agency as we enter a period, when much needs to be done here in New York, on the economic front so to build New York and create jobs.

I have known Ken Adams since his time as President of the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce. Ken created economic life in Kings County and I am sure that he will continue in his innovative approach so to replicate these efforts statewide.

I congratulate Ken and wish him the best of luck in his new job. I assure New Yorkers we have selected an extraordinary individual to manage the Empire State Development Corporation. Under the leadership of Ken Adams, we will see great things happen."