Senator Golden Tours the National September 11th Memorial Construction Site

Martin J. Golden

February 7, 2011

Senator Golden – (Brooklyn, R, C) visited the National September 11th Memorial and made the following statement.

“I wanted to thank Joseph Daniels and Jay Weinkam for the personal tour of the National September 11th Memorial on Thursday, February 3, 2011. I was extremely impressed with the memorial site and the progress that has been made.

I look forward to working together in the future on this important endeavor helping to leave a lasting place for remembrance. The support of each and every one of us is important as this project moves forward and I hope that you will remain informed and active. The project is one that allows closure for many, serves as a burial site for others and a reminder to future generations to maintain the values that make our country the greatest nation in the world.”

More information on the project can be found at or!/pages/National-September-11-Memorial-Museum/109812364025 .