Senator Marty Golden Asks Students: “Who Wants to Be a State Senator for a Day?”
Brooklyn- State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, 22nd District), is announcing his 9th Annual “State Senator For A Day” essay contest and is inviting the participation of students from schools within grades 6, 7, and 8, throughout his Senatorial District.
Senator Marty Golden is asking students to write essays of no more than 250-words which begins with the phrase, “If I were a State Senator for a Day...”. The winning essays are judged on content and creativity and must be received by Monday, March 28, 2011.
Finalists will be notified and invited to a special ceremony in the Spring where they will read aloud their essays in front of a panel of judges. The winner of the contest and their class will be invited to Albany to see the legislative process in action.
Senator Marty Golden stated, “I always find it extraordinary to see the ideas of our school children brought to light through their participation in this contest. Many times, I have addressed the issues raised by our school children so to improve the conditions in our schools, our parks, our libraries and throughout our neighborhood. I look forward to receiving many essays this year and hearing what is on the minds of our future leaders.”
For more information, contact Senator Golden’s office at (718) 238-6044