Gianaris, Nolan, Van Bramer Announce Completion of Mta Noise Silencer Project in Long Island City

Queens, NY – Due to the efforts of Senator Michael Gianaris, Assemblymember Cathy Nolan, and Councilmember Jimmy Van Bramer, sound abatement equipment for the 7 train ventilator plant in Hunter’s Point has successfully been installed. The elected officials’ secured funding for the equipment last year after complaints of ear-splitting sounds coming from the MTA East River ventilator, located at 50th Avenue between 5th Street and Center Street.

NYC Transit President, Thomas Prendergast, sent a letter to the three elected officials in October indicating that the equipment’s installation was complete and area noise levels reduced.

Before the new equipments’ installation, sounds coming from the fan reached over 80 decibels. Since its installation, however, sound measurements indicate the fan is emitting sounds averaging 62.3 decibels, which is not much different from ambient city noise levels of 61.6 decibels when the fan is not in operation.

Senator Gianaris said, “As Long Island City continues to grow and attract more families, we must ensure that the neighborhood provides a welcoming quality of life. The noise reduction achieved by this project will eliminate ear-splitting noise and allow local residents to live and sleep more comfortably.”

See attachment for the full press release.