Senator Gianaris Blasts Bill Easing Regulations For Power Plants In Western Queens

Michael Gianaris

May 10, 2011

Votes Against Bill To Fast-Track New Plant Construction

Queens, NY – Senator Michael Gianaris has voted against legislation that establishes a fast-track process for the siting of new electric generating facilities without providing enough safeguards for overburdened communities.

The bill, S191, allows for the placement of new power plants without properly considering the cumulative effect of new plant construction on neighborhoods that already house numerous power plants.

“Any new power plant construction must consider the fact that some neighborhoods, like western Queens, have done their fair share when it comes to bearing the burden for the city’s energy needs,” said Senator Gianaris. “I cannot support any expedited process that does not provide a solution for the ongoing suffering of overburdened communities.”

For over a decade, Senator Gianaris has fought the proliferation of dirty power plants in western Queens. He is the author of landmark legislation, the Clean Energy Law, which encouraged power companies to replace outdated plants with cleaner, greener technology.

“High asthma and emphysema rates in neighborhoods that house power plants are the cost of reckless power plant construction,” added Senator Gianaris. “We must plan our growth intelligently so the health of New Yorkers is not further compromised.”

Click here to watch Senator Gianaris explain his vote against S191.
