Senator Owen Johnson Calls on President to Expand Disaster Assistance for Suffolk County

Owen H. Johnson

September 1, 2011

Senator Owen H. Johnson (4th Senate District, Babylon) today called on President Obama and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to expand federal disaster assistance available to Suffolk County so home and business owners can apply for federal assistance.

While localities in Suffolk County will be eligible to receive federal assistance to pay for road, bridge and infrastructure repairs related to the storm, home and business owners were not included on the list for disaster assistance.

“Residents of Suffolk County suffered extensive damages from Hurricane Irene,” Senator Johnson said.  “Homeowners and business owners have been impacted in one way or another and I am urging the federal government to provide whatever assistance is needed to help people recover.”

Governor Cuomo requested that a total of 26 counties be declared disaster areas.  FEMA declared that individuals in only seven counties are eligible to apply for federal grants and low interest loans. 

“Individuals and businesses in Suffolk County should be eligible for federal assistance,” Senator Johnson said.  “I am calling on the federal government to expand its declaration of disaster areas and not leave residents of Suffolk County behind.  Some people have lost their homes and livelihoods, but they shouldn’t be made to lose hope.”