‘Council’ Brings Promise of Jobs to Nny
Gov’s ‘New Way of Thinking’ Targets Age-old Challenge
State Senator Patty Ritchie (R-C, Heuvelton) today hailed the announcement of the new Northern New York Economic Development Council, and predicted Gov. Cuomo’s new “bottoms-up” approach to job creation will pay dividends for the region’s struggling economy.
Senator Ritchie joined Gov. Cuomo at SUNY Potsdam as he introduced the members of the new job-creating council, one of 10 from across the state that includes leading business, civic and community leaders now charged with directing the state’s economic development policies in a seven-county Northern Region, including Jefferson and St. Lawrence Counties. The Governor unveiled his Central Regional Council, which covers Oswego County earlier this week in Syracuse.
And she praised Gov. Cuomo’s choices to lead the local council, including St. Lawrence University President Tony Collins and Garry Douglas, President of the Plattsburgh-North Country Chamber of Commerce.
“If New York is to be successful in attracting and creating new jobs that we so desperately need, state government has to listen to those who know best—the local farmers, business and community leaders who understand the strengths and potential of this region, and can best recognize the policies and ideas that will work,” said Sen. Ritchie. “That’s why Gov. Cuomo’s ‘bottoms-up’ approach, relying on local leaders from the start—not Albany bureaucrats—to direct economic and job creation policy is not only a fresh idea, but also the best one.
“It’s the perfect follow-up to our efforts to cut the cost and size of government, stop raising taxes, cut red tape, and give businesses the tools they need to grow, succeed and create jobs.
“I look forward to working with the Council members, including Dr. Collins and Garry Douglas, both top-notch community leaders and experts in their fields who understand and care deeply about the future of Northern New York, and have the talent and expertise to succeed, and help build a better economy for our region,” Senator Ritchie said.
“Similarly, I want commend the Governor on some of his other selections. Jon Greenwood is a successful and well-regarded dairy farmer whose experience and insights will help ensure that agriculture remains a key focus for this panel.
“Lisa Weber is an accomplished businesswoman who knows how to get things done, how to create jobs and what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur.
“And Carl McLaughlin and Jim Wright, with his vast experience in government, have both been key to economic growth that Jefferson County has already enjoyed as the host of one the nation’s largest and most active Army posts. Their dedication can’t be matched, and the Governor has made a wise choice in tapping into their expertise.”