Help Waddington Win the Crown as "The Ultimate Fishing Town Usa"
State Senator Patty Ritchie is urging her friends to help Waddington win the crown as "The Ultimate Fishing Town USA."
"Waddington needs our help," Senator Ritchie said. "I am asking everyone to go to http://www.wfnfishingtown.com/town/waddington-ny to help my friends in Waddington."
Worldfishingnetwork.com is offering a TV spot highlighting the community and a $25,000 community donation that Waddington could use to expand its fishing opportunities for both local residents and visitors.
"St. Lawrence County's Chamber of Commerce has already launched a campaign to make people aware of the outstanding fishing opportunities available in Northern New York. Helping Waddington to win this honor will help bring visitors to our region," she said. "With less than 1,000 people, Waddington needs all of us to help them compete against a lot of much larger communities that are seeking this nomination."