New York State Senate Recognizes Waddington
Urges Friends To Cast Vote For Waddington For Ultimate Fishing Town
State Senator Patty Ritchie has announced the New York State Senate has commended the village of Waddington in its campaign to become the national "Ultimate Fishing Town."
"As we enter the final week of the competition, I need all of my friends across Central and Northern New York to join me in helping Waddington," Senator Ritchie said. "It's time to end upstate New York's status as North America's best kept secret. If we work together, we can spur tourism, help our economy, put our region on the map and make people aware that the St. Lawrence River is one of the greatest places in America to visit and vacation."
To cast a vote for Waddington, go to:
New York State Senate:
J1855-2011: Commending the Village of Waddington, New York, in the national Ultimate Fishing Town Contest
Versions: J1855-2011
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Sponsor: RITCHIE / Committee: FINANCE / Law Section: Resolutions, Legislative
J1855-2011 Actions
May 17, 2011: ADOPTED
J1855-2011 Text
LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION commending the Village of Waddington, New York, upon the occasion of winning the first round of voting in the national Ultimate Fishing Town Contest
WHEREAS, It is the intent of this Legislative Body to honor the significant accomplishments of the communities which comprise the noble body
of this great Empire State; and
WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its long
standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to commend
the Village of Waddington, New York, upon the occasion of winning the
first round of voting in the national Ultimate Fishing Town Contest; and
WHEREAS, For a long time, Northern New York and the St. Lawrence
Valley have been one of America's best kept secrets; and
WHEREAS, The Village of Waddington is currently facing off against 19
other communities from Alaska to Florida in this nationwide competition
that will bring prominence and national attention to the winner; and
WHEREAS, The Village of Waddington is located on the shores of the
beautiful St. Lawrence River and offers year-round fishing opportunities
for anglers at every level of skill; and
WHEREAS, Winning the Ultimate Fishing Town Contest, will have the
Village of Waddington enjoy the benefits of making people across the
country aware that they can find muskie, pike, walleye, bass and a host
of other freshwater fishing opportunities in St. Lawrence County; and
WHEREAS, Earning the Ultimate Fishing Town title will benefit the entire state of New York by increasing tourism, expanding business
opportunities and spurring the upstate economy; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to commend the Village of Waddington, New York, upon the occasion of
winning the first round of voting in the national Ultimate Fishing Town Contest; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to the Village of Waddington, New York.