Results of Senator Ritchie's 2011 Legislative Community Survey
State Senator Patty Ritchie released the results of the survey she conducted of residents in Oswego, Jefferson and St. Lawrence Counties to guide her in her consideration of the recently passed on-time budget.
"The people of Northern and Central New York were very clear that they wanted their state government to find ways to reduce spending, cut costs and rein in government at all levels," Senator Ritchie said. "The state budget that I supported reflected the priorities people set when they responded to my survey."
"Like families and businesses, the people who responded to my survey said state and local governments needed to learn to live within its means even if it meant cutting some services," Senator Ritchie said. "They showed overwhelming support for a property tax cap, reducing government services and cutting spending on education and health care."
"I realize that making tough decisions like those supported by the people who responded to my survey will upset some of those who feel the effects of the cuts," Senator Ritchie said. "But I share the opinion of the governor that if we work together, hold the line on taxes and spending, we can help make New York State a place where businesses will want to open and expand and families will want to settle."