Senator Ritchie Featured at Technology Symposium
To Appear 'Virtually' At May 25th To Talk About 'Social Media'
New York State Senator Patty Ritchie will talk about how she uses social media like Facebook, websites, e-mails and the Internet to help her keep in touch with the people she represents in Oswego, Jefferson and St. Lawrence County at the North Country Technology Symposium.
Senator Ritchie will attend the symposium "virtually" at Clarkson University on May 25th by using new technology and talk from Albany where the legislature will be in session about how businesses, not for profits and individuals can benefit by harnessing the latest advances in information technology.
"A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that phenomenon like Facebook and other social media have no place in their life or business. If our businesses want to succeed in this increasingly competitive global economy, they need to take advantage of this opportunity to learn about how they can incorporate new technologies into their life and businesses," Senator Ritchie said. "If we want to grow our businesses and create the kind of high paying jobs that will keep our young families in our region, it's vital that we all learn how we can apply these new technologies to our own lives, businesses and organizations."
In the second year of the symposium, organizers have already had over 100 participants register. Attendance will be limited to the first 200 participants.
The symposium is aimed at presenting the latest information technology topics for businesses and organizations. The sessions provide a chance to learn from experts, talk to service providers and network with colleagues. Cost is $45.
Topics are geared for the novice and others for the experts who want to know about subjects like cloud computing, Google applications, geographic information systems, free online tools, emerging technologies, mobile applications even updating your website.
People can register online at http://www.co.st-lawrence.ny.us/NCTechSymposium/NCTSRegister.
For more information: www.stlawco.org/nctechsymposium.