Senator Ritchie Named to Rural Resources Panel
Senator Young: Ritchie Will Bring 'Common Sense' To Commission
State Senator Patty Ritchie has been named to the Legislative Commission on Rural Resources, a bipartisan panel composed of both Senate and Assembly members, who focus on the unique issues affecting upstate’s small towns, villages and rural areas.
Chaired by Senator Catharine Young, the panel brings members of both houses together to examine how New York State can help rural residents, businesses, local governments, health care institutions and others.
“We need an effective voice on the Rural Resources Commission who will fight for our upstate communities. Senator Ritchie understands a wide range of issues affecting rural areas. She brings a common sense approach as we work for economic growth, jobs, property tax relief, and other priorities that are important to people who live in rural towns and villages,” said Senator Catharine Young (R,I,C – Olean), Chair of the Legislative Commission on Rural Resources.
The commission provides an influential vehicle for rural interests to focus statewide attention on issues like the shortage of health care providers in rural communities, preserving the state’s agricultural landscape by expanding agricultural opportunities to expand employment opportunities, harnessing grown in New York biofuels to heat and power businesses and institutions, and using broadband to help bring jobs and business to small towns.
“I am very excited to join this commission that has a long history of developing bipartisan solutions to the problems facing many small towns and rural communities,” Senator Ritchie said. “Too often, our state tends to focus on one size fits all, top down solutions that stifle innovation and growth in our upstate communities. As the chair of the Senate’s Agriculture Committee, I believe that this commission can help me advance real solutions that can gain attention in both houses of the legislature.”
Senator Ritchie joins Chair Young, Senator Thomas F. O’Mara, Vice Chair
Assemblyman David Koon, Assemblywoman Barbara S. Lifton, Assemblyman James Bacalles and Assemblyman Daniel J. Burling.