Senator Ritchie Responds to Governor's Budget

Patty Ritchie

February 2, 2011

Governor Andrew Cuomo has been promising the state tough decisions.  The budget he unveiled today offers difficult choices but opportunities if we work together.

My staff and I have begun studying the budget to examine how it treats Central New York and Northern New York, our schools, our state agencies and our communities. 

I want to work with the governor and my colleagues to put  together a budget that puts taxpayers first and treats our region fairly and equitably.

I believe the steps we have taken by adopting a spending cap and a property tax cap are good first steps, but in the days ahead, I will be listening closely to the people of the 48th Senate District to hear how this budget affects them.

I believe that if we work together we can help our state become more innovative, more focused and a leader in our nation.