Senator Díaz Responds to NY Post - March 21, 2011
Ruben Diaz
March 21, 2011
- Legislature
- Budget
March 21, 2011
Ms. Candice M. Giove
1211 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036-8790
Dear Ms. Giove:
Thank you for your article “See Spot owner run to class,” which was published in the NY Post on Sunday, March 20, 2011. It is always gratifying to receive acknowledgement when legislation is publicized. As you know, this year, I have introduced more than one hundred pieces of legislation, some of them dealing with solving the State’s fiscal crisis (see below).
As I’m sure you know, New York State is facing many serious fiscal challenges and the adoption of the SFY 2011-2012 Budget is likely to be one of the most contentious in years. I am deeply concerned that Governor Cuomo has presented the Legislature with an Executive Budget that relies extensively on service and funding cuts while providing no creative options for raising revenue.
In order to increase revenue to the State Treasury without raising taxes, even though I am supportive of continuing the “millionaire’s tax”, I have introduced, among others, the following pieces of legislation:
1) S.111 Relates to establishing the NYS prescription medication cost containment program (Elder Law);
2) S.126 Relates to establishing the New York state seniors trust fund and directing certain moneys to be deposited into such fund;
3) S.262 Provides for an additional franchise tax on certain life insurance policies;
4) S.347 Provides that issuers of debit and credit cards shall pay sales and use taxes directly to the commissioner of taxation and finance; and,
5) S.480 Relates to establishing the NYS prescription medication cost containment program (Civil Service Law)
These bills have the potential to both save New York State money and to raise millions of dollars for the state treasury. While passage of these bills will not completely erase the state deficit, they will go a long way to maintain much needed services for the elderly, the needy, and our children’s education.
I believe that if media outfits and reporters like you help me to publicize these bills, it will put pressure on the Legislature to act on them.
I’m sure you will agree that we must not wait any longer, since the stakes are much higher.
Senator Rubén Díaz
SD 32
RD: cbs
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