Senator Saland's Statement on the Middle Class Tax Cut and Job Creation Plan

Stephen M. Saland

December 7, 2011

Two years ago when the New York State government was under one party Democrat control we witnessed a tax and spend frenzy.  Defying all logic, and the opposition of every member of the Senate Republican conference, the Senate Democrats raised taxes and spending by $14 billion, including the job-killing MTA payroll tax.

Working in a bi-partisan fashion with Governor Cuomo and the Assembly, we have forged an agreement.  The Middle Class Tax Cut and Job Creation Plan will cut taxes for 4.4 million New Yorkers.  And we have eliminated the MTA payroll tax imposed on small businesses and schools.  More than 80%  of impacted employers will be relieved of this onerous tax.  While I continue to fight for the full repeal of the payroll tax in Dutchess County, this is a monumental step in the right direction.

The people of this State want relief – a responsive state government that recognizes their hardship and will work to provide job creation.   Funding in the amount of $50 million has been earmarked to assist areas affected by flooding, including hard hit areas in Dutchess and Columbia Counties.

The actions taken today have the expressed support of the National Federation of Independent Businesses, the New York State Business Council, the New York State Farm Bureau, the Catholic Conference, Unshackle Upstate NY and numerous other organizations who share our goal for tax relief, job creation and flood assistance.

The progress made over this past year is the result of a bipartisan commitment to turn our economy around.  With this agreement, I remain encouraged that New York will continue to outpace other states in the nation with private sector job growth, as well as continue  to restore our State’s image as “open for business”.