Senator Kennedy Releases Statement on Ethics Reform Agreement

Timothy M. Kennedy

June 6, 2011

Details of agreement on ethics reform announced at Monday press conference 

ALBANY, N.Y. – Senator Timothy M. Kennedy, D-58th District, released the following statement regarding the ethics reform agreement that Governor Cuomo announced Monday afternoon. 

“Over the past 10 years, more Albany politicians have been indicted or have resigned amid scandal than have lost general election. Western New Yorkers are sick and tired of seeing elected officials dragged out of office in handcuffs.  Cleaning up Albany has been a top priority for me, and I’m very pleased that an agreement on ethics reform has finally been reached.

“We have been persistently advocating for major components included in the plan – especially an independent, nonpartisan ethics commission and full disclosure of outside income. I believe this comprehensive ethics reform legislation will finally begin the long overdue crackdown on the Capitol crime spree.

“The Joint Commission on Public Ethics will have the power to attack corruption. As it has been initially outlined, the commission will have the strong hand needed to break the cycle of dysfunction that has plagued Albany for far too long. In addition, the measures forcing legislators to fully disclose their outside incomes will open the door and shed light on any shadowy dealings from Albany’s backrooms.

“This ethics reform package will instill transparency and accountability in the halls of the State Capitol, and it will help restore New Yorkers’ faith and trust in their government. I’m looking forward to the vote on this legislation.”