Larkin Outraged at Homeland Security Funding Cuts by Feds

William J. Larkin Jr.

May 18, 2011

Federal Budget Plan Harms New York

Senator Bill Larkin (R-C, Cornwall-on-Hudson) joined New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Senator Greg Ball, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans, Homeland Security and Military Affairs, in denouncing Washington's attempts to reduce New York's homeland security funding in the federal budget proposal. New York is slated to see a reduction of $186 million in homeland security funding should the cuts go through.


"These reductions strike at the heart of all New Yorkers," said Senator Larkin. "This is no time to reduce homeland security funding to our state and I am outraged that our congressional leaders are even considering such a proposal. With the ever-increasing trend toward "homegrown" terrorism, we need the federal government to honor their commitments when it comes to keeping our citizens safe," said Larkin. "While we are all aware of the fiscal crisis happening at the federal level, this is not the time to reduce New York's homeland security funding by 50%. This is the time to reevaluate the means by which homeland security is allocated in the first place to ensure that those states who are more likely to be targeted receive the funding they need to keep their residents safe," said Larkin.