Taking on Hydrofracking; Protecting New York's Environment

Adriano Espaillat

September 30, 2012

New York State Senator Adriano Espaillat (D – Manhattan/Bronx) released the following statement regarding breaking reports that Governor Cuomo’s administration is extending the review process scrutinizing hydrofracking, a dangerous drilling procedure that poses significant risks to the environment and the drinking water supply.


“When my constituents and I traveled to the Marcellus Shale region, this past August, and observed the process of hydrofracking and its impact, we saw first-hand the devastation brought on by fracking. This is a dangerous process that harms our environment and poses a grave risk to the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the land we live on. I am grateful to Governor Andrew Cuomo for his leadership on this issue and for his commitment to our environment. I also thank the thousands of environmental activists and everyday citizens who have spoken out strongly and clearly against hydrofracking. While the fight against hydrofracking is far from over, our efforts to protect New York’s environment from fracking are making a real difference. I look forward to working with Governor Cuomo, my colleagues in the State Senate, and environmental activists throughout New York to stop hydrofracking and preserving our environment.”

Senator Espaillat is a member of the Senate Environmental Conservation Committee. His district ranges from the Upper West Side through Washington Heights in Manhattan and into Riverdale in the Bronx.

Video of Senator Espaillat discussing his trip to observe hydrofracking sites and the communities affected by fracking: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAIOtAHcanY&feature=relmfu