Con Edison - Simplified Certification Process Helps Restore Service Faster

Andrew J Lanza

November 9, 2012



A simplified process for turn-on requests will speed service restoration to buildings damaged by Hurricane Sandy. Because flood waters and winds can damage privately-owned electric and gas equipment, New York City Building Code requires a licensed electrician to certify that systems can be energized. This process is coordinated through the NYC Department of Buildings. While we recover from the hurricane, building owners can file a Self Certification Form directly with utilities, to restore service faster.

Here are three steps to self-certify:

1. Get your electrical equipment inspected, cleaned, and repaired by a licensed electrician.

2. Direct your electrician to to complete a Self Certification Form.

3. E-mail your Self Certification Form to:

Self Certification forms are also available in Customer Outreach vans in communities most affected by flooding. Staff will also accept completed forms. A service turn-on will be scheduled once the certification form is received.

Questions? Contact Con Edison Energy Services, seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Staten Island 718-390-6373 or 718-390-6387

All other service restoration requests will require standard NYC Department of Buildings certification filings.

For issues related to gas service in Queens, Brooklyn, and Staten Island, call National Grid at 718-643-4050.


Con Edison inspectors are going door to door to homes in your area to determine if privately-owned electrical equipment was under water.

• If we confirm your equipment was not damaged by water, your service will be restored when we re-energize systems in your area.

• If our inspectors cannot gain access to your home, and we cannot confirm if your equipment suffered water damage, your service will be disconnected, and you will not have power when your area is energized. Our inspectors will leave a note if you are not home.

• If you need an inspector to visit your home, call our Energy Services department

at 718-390-6387 in Staten Island.

• If an inspector determines your equipment has water damage, or if you know that your equipment is damaged, you need to have a private electrician or plumber certify that your equipment can be safely energized. See reverse side for step-by-step instructions on how to proceed.

• We will schedule a service turn-on once we receive certification that your equipment is inspected and ready to be reconnected.

Please note: Reporting your power loss will not help restore your power in the fastest way. Call the numbers above so that we can work with you to verify your equipment is safe to energize.