Information about FEMA Determination Letters
Andrew J Lanza
November 28, 2012
If survivors receive a letter from FEMA saying that they are ineligible for assistance, make sure they read the letter very carefully. They may need to provide further information or documentation in order to qualify. The letter will explain exactly what additional information is needed. They may still be approved for help from FEMA. They may also receive a letter from FEMA stating they were ineligible simply because they did not yet received a settlement from their insurance carrier.
If a determination letter is received stating that they are ineligible and they believe an error was made, they have the right to file an appeal.
Appeals may be made on any decision within 60 days of the date listed on the last decision letter.
All appeals must be in writing and require an applicant signature; they cannot be accepted via email. Appeals must be mailed to the address listed below or faxed to the NPSC at 800-827-8112.
FEMA - Individuals & Households Program
National Processing Service Center (NPSC)
P.O. Box 10055
Hyattsville, MD 20782-8055
With insurance cases where a final settlement is delayed, a FEMA applicant will have 12 months from the date they registered with FEMA to appeal.
Whenever new information is received that could impact a determination we encourage survivors to submit the information to the NPSC above.