Senator Catharine Young Receives Award and High Ratings from National Federation of Independent Business - New York

Catharine Young

September 13, 2012

ALBANY – State Senator Catharine Young (R,C,I – Olean) has been selected as one of NFIB-New York’s 2012 “Guardians of Small Business.”

The Guardian Award is the highest honor that NFIB bestows upon legislators. It was given in recognition of her voting record and support for small business issues during the legislative session.

“Small business is the life blood of our communities. They provide vital employment, services and goods on which we all rely. In a challenging economy it is especially important to pay close attention to legislation affecting small businesses,” said Senator Young.

Senator Young was ranked among the top legislators in the state by NFIB on their Voting Record, a tool that rates legislators based upon their votes on top legislative issues for small businesses in New York State. The Voting Record examined seven bills which dealt with issues including the tax assessment process, pension reform and the tax cap.

“What’s encouraging about this year’s Voting Record is that it shows a sustained commitment by the Senate Majority and the Assembly Minority to reduce business costs, reduce taxes and improve New York’s economy for small businesses,” said Michael Durant, NFIB New York State Director.

“I applaud those lawmakers that have scored well this cycle. Their commitment to New York’s small businesses is commendable,” added Mr. Durant.

“By working with Governor Cuomo, we have made great progress in developing an environment where small businesses can thrive. More work is still needed, and I will continue to focus on those issues that impact small businesses,” said Senator Young.

NFIB is New York and the nation’s leading small business advocacy association. As a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, NFIB gives small and independent business owners a voice in shaping the public policy issues that affect their business. NFIB’s mission is to promote and protect the right of its members to own, operate and grow their businesses.
