Senate Passes Fuschillo Resolution Honoring Wantagh Firefighter for 60 Years of Service

Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.

February 24, 2012

     Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-Merrick) announced that the New York State Senate recently passed a legislative resolution he sponsored honoring Wantagh Fire Department Commissioner and Ex-Chief Donald Snyder for his 60 years of service to the Wantagh community.

     “For the last 60 years, Donald Snyder has selflessly volunteered his time and energy to protect the residents of the Wantagh Fire District. His devoted service to the community deserves our admiration, respect, and gratitude. I’m pleased that the Senate passed this resolution to recognize his long and dedicated service to the Wantagh Fire Department and the community,” said Senator Fuschillo.

     Mr. Snyder first joined the Wantagh Fire Department in 1951. He worked his way up through the Department’s ranks, serving as a Lieutenant, Captain, and Assistant Chief before becoming Chief of the Department in 1962. In 1966, following his service as Chief, he was elected as a fire commissioner and has held the position ever since.

     The resolution noted that throughout his 60 years of devoted service, Mr. Snyder “heroically performed, above and beyond the call of duty,” the responsibilities required of a volunteer firefighter.

     With passage of the resolution, Donald Snyder’s name and record of service will forever be part of the New York State Senate’s official record.

Text of the Resolution

Senate Resolution No. 3032


COMMENDING Firefighter Donald Snyder upon the occasion of his designation for special recognition after 60 years of dedicated service to the Wantagh Fire Department

WHEREAS, The firefighters of New York State are renowned throughout the Nation; their reputation is synonymous with excellence in the arduous field of fire protection and prevention; and

WHEREAS, Since the early days of "teapot steamers," the volunteer firefighter has been the cornerstone of our great Nation's efforts to spare us from the ravages of fire; and

WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is proud to commend Firefighter Donald Snyder upon the occasion of his designation for special recognition after 60 years of dedicated service to the Wantagh Fire Department, to be celebrated at the Annual Installation of Officers to be held on Saturday, February 11, 2012 at the Marriott Hotel in Uniondale, New York; and

WHEREAS, Donald Snyder entered the Wantagh Fire Department on December 6, 1951, and was assigned to Engine 694; and

WHEREAS, Throughout his career with the Wantagh Fire Department, Donald Snyder has served as Lieutenant, Captain, 3rd Assistant Chief, 2nd Assistant Chief, 1st Assistant Chief, and Chief of Department; and

WHEREAS, Donald Snyder has held various offices with Company No. 2 including Chaplain, Treasurer, Vice President, and Honorary President; and

WHEREAS, Donald Snyder was elected as Wantagh Fire District Commissioner on January 1, 1966; he is currently serving in his 46th year as Commissioner; and

WHEREAS, Volunteer firefighters and fire departments not only provide the critical service of fire protection but also engage in other activities of great benefit and importance to the communities they serve; and

WHEREAS, It takes a special dedication, a strong desire to help others and a tireless sense of community to forsake precious time with family and friends to respond to the signal that a neighbor is in need; Donald Snyder is such a firefighter; throughout 60 years of devoted service, this volunteer heroically performed, above and beyond the call of duty, those responsibilities which define the task of fire protection; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to commend Firefighter Donald Snyder upon the occasion of his designation for special recognition after 60 years of dedicated service to the Wantagh Fire Department; and be it further

RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to Donald Snyder.