Senator Fuschillo and Assemblyman Mcdonough Join Wantagh Football Club in Honoring Jimmy Errante
Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.
January 23, 2012
State Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-Merrick) and Assemblyman David McDonough (R-North Merrick) recently joined with the Wantagh Football Club to honor one of the organization’s outstanding young athletes at its annual awards luncheon.
Thirteen year old Jimmy Errante was awarded the Wantagh Football Club’s Senator Fuschillo Award, which is given to a football player who has been in the program from his first day of eligibility and who serves as a role model and leader for his fellow athletes both on and off the field.
Senator Fuschillo (right) and Assemblyman McDonough (left) are pictured as they present Jimmy Errante (center) with his award. They are joined by Rich Polo of the Wantagh Football Club (second right) and Jimmy’s father, James Errante (second left).