Senator Squadron Statement in Support of Governor's Call for Food Stamp Access and Campaign Finance Reform

Senator: Bills Ready for Immediate Passage
ALBANY -- Today, State Senator Daniel Squadron released the following statement in response to Governor Cuomo's State of the State address:

In his State of the State address, the Governor laid out a vision to build on the progress of the past year and continue to move New York forward. 

Two priorities in particular that he laid out are ready for immediate passage.

S740 [Squadron] /  A5303 [Wright]
would accomplish the Governor's goal to end the practice of fingerprinting food stamp recipients. I urge Senator Skelos to immediately bring it to a vote.

The Governor was also clear: we must pass campaign finance reform this year.

For government to serve New Yorkers and for New Yorkers to have faith in government, we must change the way Albany does business -- creating a more accountable and effective government by reforming our campaign finance system. 

Along with a system of public financing, the following bills I carry would answer the Governor's call: 
