Squadron, Hss Secure Clothing Donations for Les Fire Victims

Daniel L. Squadron

February 29, 2012

Family Still In Need of Donations

NEW YORK -- Yesterday evening, State Senator Daniel Squadron's office and Henry Street Settlement presented the victims of last week's fire at 388 Pearl Street with a donation of three large bags of clothing. Senator Squadron's office worked with Henry Street Settlement and the Smith Houses Tenant Association to secure the clothing donation and ensure that it got to the victims of the fire.

"We can only imagine the challenges Jasmine, Maria, and their family are facing as they recover from last week's fire. Our hope is that this small donation makes things a little easier for them," said Senator Squadron. "Thank you to Henry Street for its generosity, to NYCHA, and to Smith Houses TA President Aixa Torres for her tireless work for this family and all of her residents."

The family's apartment and belongings were extensively damaged by smoke and water during the fire. They are currently staying in an extra apartment at Smith Houses and are in need of most appliances and other household items as they rebuild their home. Contact the Alfred E. Smith Houses (212-267-2591) to make a donation.
