Squadron Resolution on Senate Floor Honors Fallen P.o. Alain Schaberger

Schaberger Killed Responding to Domestic Violence Call; Perpetrator Had 12 Year History of Offenses

Squadron-Golden-Rosenthal Legislation, Dedicated to Schaberger, Would Make Repeat Domestic Violence Offenses a Felony

ALBANY -- State Senator Daniel Squadron honored fallen New York Police Department Officer Alain Schaberger with a resolution on the Senate floor during yesterday's legislative session. Senator Squadron was joined by Officer Schaberger's parents, Paul and May Schaberger.

Officer Schaberger was killed in March responding to a domestic violence call in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn; he was thrown over a staircase railing by an abuser with a 12-year history of domestic violence offenses.

The resolution, which was unanimously adopted, is attached below.

Senator Squadron sponsors legislation, along with Senator Martin Golden and Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal, dedicated to Officer Schaberger, that would make repeat domestic violence offenses a felony crime. Currently, repeat offenders are charged with misdemeanors again and again with no greater consequences, allowing them to cycle through the system and failing to stop the cycle of violence. The legislation creates the felony of "aggravated domestic violence" for abusers who commit at least two offenses within a five year period, giving law enforcement the tools to protect victims from these repeat offenders.

"Officer Schaberger's life was taken far too early, by a criminal who shouldn't have been out on the streets in the first place. I am proud to honor a true hero like Officer Schaberger, who put public service before all else," said Senator Squadron. "Now, our work must continue to honor Officer Schaberger's legacy and give law enforcement the tools to protect all who are impacted by domestic violence and its terrible ripple effects."


Media Contact: Amy Spitalnick / 212.298.5565