Squadron Welcomes Bloomberg Support for Nurse-Family Partnership Funding

Senator Squadron Has Long Championed Funding for NFP, But Critical Program Faces $5 Million Shortfall

ALBANY -- State Senator Daniel Squadron welcomed New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's support for $5 million in state funding for Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) in testimony at today's Joint Legislative Public Hearing on the 2012-2013 Budget. 

Senator Squadron has long championed state funding for NFP, which matches low-income first-time mothers in New York City (as well as Monroe and Onondaga Counties) with registered nurses for home visits throughout pregnancy until the child is two years old. Studies have consistently found that NFP's work reduces child neglect and abuse, improves children's behavior and school performance, and leads to significant long-term savings for families. 

Between 2009 and 2010, Senator Squadron secured $7 million in state funding for the program, allowing NFP to grow the number of families to which it provides services. However, this year, NFP is facing a $5 million shortfall that must be filled in order to maintain its programs at current levels. The Medicaid Redesign Team has recommended that the State apply for a waiver to make NFP Medicaid-eligible, which would make it universally available for eligible mothers. This year's state funding is a critical stopgap. 

Senator Squadron said, "Nurse-Family Partnership is proven to improve the lives of first-time mothers and their children -- not just in the first few years of life, but for years to come. That's why I've long fought to ensure that New York families have access to this life-changing program. I'd like to thank Mayor Bloomberg for his important advocacy today for NFP and the essential work it does in our City and around the state. I will continue to push for the $5 million NFP needs to provide its critical care and support to New York mothers and their children."

"Mayor Bloomberg has recognized the value of investing in the Nurse-Family Partnership program," said Renee Nogales, Nurse-Family Partnership's Program Developer for the Northeast Region. "This funding will help sustain the NFP program in New York and help vulnerable, first-time moms give their children a better start in life. Investment in children early on in life is a smart investment, and brings significant cost-savings to our communities."
