Senate Passes Bill Banning Ownership of Animal Fighting Paraphernalia

Dean G. Skelos

June 13, 2012

The New York State Senate today gave final legislative passage to a bill (S6774A), sponsored by Senator Patty Ritchie (R-C, Heuvelton), which bans people from owning, selling, or manufacturing animal fighting paraphernalia. The Senate took up the bill on New York State Animal Advocacy Day at the Capitol, where legislators and animal advocates network, share ideas, and lobby for stronger anti-cruelty laws. 


"Animals are defenseless, with no sort of protection from the cruel, senseless and illegal practice that is animal fighting," said Senator Ritchie.  "By passing this bill, and making an effort to outlaw animal fighting tools, we are cracking down on animal fights and the activities that often go along with them, like illegal gambling and drug dealing."


This legislation would ban people from owning any equipment or products that promote animal fighting. This includes breaking sticks, cat mills, which are instruments that encourage biting of other animals, spring-poles, and fighting pits.


“Even though animal fighting is illegal and has been for some time, sadly, people still do own animal fighting paraphernalia,” said Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos. “This legislation closes a loophole in the law by making it illegal to own or sell items that facilitate animal fighting.”


The bill will be sent to the Governor for consideration.

